The quality of the goods you shipped last week is much interior to that of the goods of our last order. 我方上星期一收到的货物与样品不符,我方认为你们应该对此作出赔偿。
Organizations must depend on all their employees to ensure quality at every point a product is defined, designed, implemented, configured, reviewed, tested, and shipped. 组织必需依靠其所有的员工来在每个点上确保质量,一个产品就是在这些点上被定义、设计、实现、配置、评审、测试和发布的。
We communicate with foreign customer and China factory to assure order production in good quality and shipped in time. 我们协助公司与国外客户的联系,与国内工厂沟通,以确保工厂及时、保质保量地完成产品订单。
However, these gates were essential in upholding the quality of the main branch, and had they not existed, the OS would have never shipped. 然而,这些评量关卡都是为了确保主要支干上的产品的品质,若是没有这些事来把关,想推出这系统是绝对不会被认可地。
To ensure the quality of all items, all screen printing and embroidery is done in house, and then checked for correctness before shipped. 为了保证所有项目,打印的所有屏幕和刺绣的质量,在房子里被做,然后在装运以前,检查正确性。
Despite our low price, the quality of the goods to be shipped to you is always the best. 虽然价格低廉,但我们运往贵方的货物质量总是最佳的。
The quality unit ( s) can delegate to the production unit the responsibility and authority for release of intermediates, except for those shipped outside the control of the manufacturing company. 质量部门可将发放中间体的职责和权力委派给生产部门,运往生产商控制范围以外的中间体除外。
Some drugs with minor quality problems, meanwhile, are being shipped to pharmacies with warning letters. 如今某些存在微小的质量问题的药品在被贴上警示标签后就源源不断的运往药房出售。